
1. The grant is made only for the purposes agreed by the Charity and awards are based upon the information supplied in your application.

2. Grant holders must request the Charity’s permission before implementing any variations. The Charity reserves the right to claim back any grant or part of a grant which has not been used for the purposes agreed.

3. Grant holders must inform the Charity of any underspend in a grant. Any decision to claim back the grant or any part of a grant shall be at the sole discretion of the Trust.

4. Individuals applying for monthly or quarterly payments must hold a bank account solely in their own name in order to be eligible.

5. Recipients of regular payments will be expected to acknowledge them to the charity every year.

6. Relatives or organisations connected to the applicant or executors of a beneficiary must inform the charity of any changes in circumstances as soon as possible.

7. One-off grants will be paid by direct credit transfer to an organisation’s or individual’s bank or building society account. A cancelled specimen cheque, or equivalent proof of account details, may be requested.

8. Grant holders must obtain the prior written consent of the Charity before disposing of any capital equipment bought with a grant. This will apply for a period of two years after the grant has been made.

9. Organisations and individuals will be expected to repay grants if they are found to have acted fraudulently or negligently. Any inaccurate disclosure or failure to disclose relevant information requested will be grounds for seeking immediate repayment of any grant made.  Any decision to claim back the grant or any part of the grant shall be at the sole discretion of the Charity.

10. The grant is for the use of a particular organisation or individual and therefore must not be given, or transferred, to any third party.

11. Any grant awarded shall not be used to pay for expenditure incurred or committed prior to the date of the grant notification letter.

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1930 Fund for District Nurses

6 Trull Farm Buildings · Tetbury · GL8 8SQ

Tel: 01285 841904
W: www.1930fundfornurses.org
Registered Charity Number: 208312